Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Lessons Learned from a Recent Grad

Although it has only been a few months, here are a few things that I have learned since I have graduated:

#1.  Use any experience as a learning experience 
While in school I was committed to the idea that group project and public speaking were irrelevant to "real" life. I had convinced myself that they were an easy way for teachers to group us together and grade less assignments. Because of this, I never used the experiences to improve my skills. While the work world doesn't present such an intimidating public speaking situation, the nervousness and sweats are still present right before a big meeting. Instead of presenting to the 25 peers about a topic I couldn't care less about, I am talking about something that I specialize in and have had month to become an expert about. So, while I wish that college me was more correct, in the end, public speaking is very prevalent in the job world. Instead of presenting to a class, I am sitting around a oval table presenting to my co-workers. The lesson in this is: Use any experience as a learning experience, especially any situation that can improve communication and presentation skills. Also, Powerpoint and Excel are totally useful!

#2. Some friendships aren't meant to last forever
In the last year, I have seen many friendship end. In many cases, I tried very hard to hold onto something that wasn't working anymore because I was convinced that the friends I met in college were my friends for life. Due to the amount of growth and change that someone goes through in those four years, the person who goes into the dorms freshman year, will not have the same goals and motivations as the person who walks off that stage with a diploma four years later. The friends I chose freshman year were great for that time in my life and we creating memories I will never forget, but as I became more serious about my future, I started seeing distance. I clung onto those friendship because I didn't want to be alone, but at some point I had to realize that it was better to be surrounded by people who had the same goals and motivations as myself. Although I have nothing against those lost friends, there is definitely a lesson learned form this, the lesson being: Some friendships just aren't meant to last forever. Some friendships are only meant for a certain period of your life to help you grow, and nothing more. Although this was a hard concept for me to realize, it's true, and I can officially say I have moved on and feeling great about it.

#3. Give it time!
In college I got very comfortable with my routine: 11am wake up, gym, class at 1pm, and then work (as a nanny). I loved to sleep in and was thrilled when I could make my own schedule which consisted of Wednesday's off of school. It was a harsh reality when I started my current job and I had to work 8+ hours a day and could barely fit in time to go to the gym and see friends during the week. While at points I was ready to quit and give up, my new life took some getting use to and eventually I developed a new routine: 6:30am wake up, work at 8am, gym, and home by 7pm. It was a very hard transition from the school to work, but there are also many advantages that came along with it such as no more group project, no more homework, and especially the fact that I am now making money and financially independent. So although my life while is school will remain a fond memory, work life isn't that bad. Lesson learned: Give it time and it will all work out. For a few months I woke up everyday wanting to give up, but with a few minor changes to my schedule, this way of life has proven to be way more reasonable (& productive) that before.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pay or Stray

While in the process of buying new furniture, decor, and basically everything for my condo, I have realized there is only one easy way to do this: Make a list of everything I eventually need to buy and decided what items I want splurge on. 

It's important to make trade-offs during this process. To me, that means cutting back on items like kitchenware that can be of lesser quality, and investing in items that are more important to me such as a comfortable mattress, couch, and a few great decorative pieces.

Here are a few home goods that I have chosen to compare: 

Upholstered Platform Bed 

                   { $351.89 }                                             { $2,299 }

Mirrored Tables 

                     { Target $74.99 }                                                                { West Elm $199 }                                                                       

Marble and Gold Table Lamp 

                    { Westelm $99 }                                                                 { Fine Home $379 }

Acrylic Serving Tray 

                         { CB2 $39.95 }                                                                 { AVF $270 }

Friday, October 10, 2014

Turning Over a New Leaf

This is my fresh start. I though it would be a great time to begin my blog, centered around the things that I love: Travel, healthy living, fashion, and home decor